Horace Pippin "Domino Players" 1943 detail
#horacepippin #art #selftaughtart #painting #dominoplayers

Edward Ruscha "Study for Standard Station, Amarillo, Texas" 1962
#edwardruscha #art #contemporaryart #drawing #standardstationamarillotexas

Mimbres Ceramic Bowl, 700-1100 A.D.
#mimbrespottery #mimbrespeople #mimbresculture #mimbres #pottery #ceramic #bowl #ceramicbowl #nativeamericanart #ancientart #eroticart...

Chris Burden "Spinning Dervish"
#ripchrisburden #chrisburden #art #contemporaryart

Greg Colson "Separator"
#gregcolson #colson #art #contemporaryart #fineart #separate #drawing #painting #worksonpaper #museum #board #ink #graphic...

Greg Colson "Silver Claims (Omega)"
#gregcolson #colson #art #fineart #contemporaryart #painting #drawing #worksonpaper #ink #red #patrickpainter #patrickpainterinc...

Greg Colson "Elliptical Models"
#gregcolson #art #contemporaryart #fineart #models #circle #cycles #drawing #worksonpaper #baldwingallery #patrickpainter #graphic #ink...

Greg Colson "Detroit-Windsor"
#gregcolson #art #contemporaryart #fineart #detroit #map #mapping #drawing #ink #worksonpaper #patrickpainter #baldwingallery #system...

Greg Colson "Separator"
#gregcolson #art #contemporaryart #fineart #separator #drawing #worksonpaper #museum #board #painting #ink #baldwingallery...

Greg Colson "Silver Claims (Democrat)"
#gregcolson #art #contemporaryart #fineart #drawing #worksonpaper #patrickpainter #baldwingallery #museum #graphite #ink #carbon #space...

Vija Celmins "Untitled (Ocean)" detail 1969
#vijacelmins #drawing #art #contemporaryart

Tom Wudl "The Dream of Gabriello" 1973
#tomwudl #painting #art #contemporaryart

Picasso Exhibition at the Kunsthaus Zurich, 1932
#picasso #pablo #museum #modern #art #painting #exhibition #show #zurich #kunsthauszurich #1930s #synthetic #analytic #cubism...

Margaret Kilgallen Installation View (detail)
#margaretkilgallen #deitchprojects #art #bayarea #installation #wandering #labor #made

George Stoll "Untitled (6 tumblers on a painted wooden shelf)"
#georgestoll #tupperware #art #sculpture #paraffin #beeswax