Joe Goode "Untitled (Staircase)" 1971
#joegoode #contemporaryart #sculpture #painting
Ed Moses "RE Curr V" 1987
#edmoses #contemporaryart #painting #abstract #process
Greg Colson exhibition at Thomas Park Gallery, Seoul, 2016
#gregcolson #contemporaryart
Greg Colson "Beverly Hills" stick map
#gregcolson #contemporaryart #thomaspark #seoulexhibition
Greg Colson exhibition, Thomas Park Gallery, Seoul, Korea
#gregcolson #contemporaryart #thomaspark #seoulexhibition
Greg Colson "Pub Crawl"
#gregcolson #contemporaryart #thomaspark #seoulexhibition
Greg Colson "Leading British Phobias" pie chart installed at HUMAN CONDITION exhibition
#gregcolson #humancondition #thehospital #johnwolf #contemporaryart
Jonathan Lasker "Rightful Placement" 2001
#jonathanlasker #art #contemporaryart #painting
Rebecca Morris Untitled (#16-13) 2013
#rebeccamorris #art #contemporaryart #painting
Greg Colson "Senate Sponsorship" 2015 acrylic and adhesive foam on slate
#gregcolson #colson #art #contemporaryart #senate #politics #money #sponsorship
Greg Colson "Lubbock Lights" 1988 wall relief
#gregcolson #colson #art #contemporaryart #lubbocklights #lights #ufo
Terry Winters "Dumb Compass" (detail) 1985
#terrywinters #art #contemporaryart #painting #andersoncollection #stanforduniversity #abstraction #biomorphic
Robert Ryman "Arrow" 1976
#robertryman #art #contemporaryart #painting #abstraction
Jeff Colson "Blockhouse" 2015 fiberglass, acrylic paint
#jeffcolson #mybrother #maloneyfineart #art #contemporaryart #sculpture #crackpot #abstraction #hovel #architecture
Miyoshi Barosh "Paintings for the Home (Portrait)" 2010 oil,embroidered canvas, frame
#miyoshibarosh #luisdejesus #art #conceptualart #contemporaryart #painting #craft #folktradition #failure #portrait