Lotto Ticket Line, Los Angeles, 1998 (photo by Ken Hively)
#peoplegatheringlineofpeople #linewaitinglotterylotto #getrichjackpotlosangeles
Gold Miners, Sacramento Valley, California, 1850s
#goldrushgoldminersgold #minerscrowdgathering #peoplejackpotgetrich
Greg Colson "Cleveland" stick map, 1991
#gregcolsonartcontemporaryartsculpture #clevelandstickmapcity #rncplanstructure
Cleveland, Ohio, 1988 (photo by Greg Colson)
#clevelandcityindustry #infrastructure1988 #terminaltower #cuyahogariverrnc
Constantin Brancusi "Endless Column" 1938
#brancusitargujiuendlesscolumnartmodernart #sculpture
Robert Therrien "No Title (Mini Stacked Pots and Pans IV)" 2005
#roberttherrienartcontemporaryart #sculpturegagosianstackedpotsandpans
Lounge Above Bouldering Wall, Los Angeles, 2016 (photo by Greg Colson)
#lounge #above #boulderingwall #laboulders #bouldering #climbinggym #relax #community #sofa #climbing
Bouldering Wall, Los Angeles, 2016 (photo by Greg Colson)
#boulderingwall #climbinggym #rockclimbing #laboulders #bouldering #boulderproblems #slab #set #performance
Yosemite Falls, 1877 (detail of photo by Silas Melander)
#yosemite #yosemitefalls #waterfalls #water #pouring #falling #vintagephotography
Dumping Liquor during Prohibition, New York, 1921
#pouring #dumping #liquor #prohibition #booze #illegal #sewer #nyc
Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, ca. 1972
#edroth #bigdaddyroth #greatspeckledbird #customcar #hotrod #kustomkulture #design #art #plaster #ratfink #revell #robertwilliams #diy...
Terry Gross, "Fresh Air" interviewer, 1987
#terrygross #npr #freshair #radio #interviewer
Stage Lights, ca. 2002
#lights #stagelights #stage #performance #energy
Lighting, ca. 1990
#lights #light #lighting #pattern #warehouse #energy #line
The Nevele, Ellenville, NY, 1950s
#thecatskills #thenevele #resort #borschtbelt #catskillsresort #modern #design #1950s #lobby #fountain #ny